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德國的新能源汽車市場結構與中國類似。2018年8月,統計數據顯示,過去兩年德國消費者申請補貼共75338輛,其中純電動汽車45493輛,佔比60.four%。混合動力汽車29827輛,佔比39.6%。燃料電池汽車18輛,佔比0.2%。個人申請量約佔一半。2019年上半年,中國新能源汽車銷量61.7萬輛,其中純電動汽車銷量49.0萬輛,佔比79.4%。插電式混合動力汽車銷量12.6萬輛,佔比20.4%;燃料電池汽車銷量1102輛,佔比0.2%。2017年中國新能源汽車私人購買41萬輛,佔總量近57%。 [https://forcegmbh24.cn/car-parts-supplies/vw-audi-genuine-spare-parts/ 汽車零件德] ,私人消費佔比提至78%。在德國新能源汽車市場,前十大新能源車銷售品牌分別為:寶馬、大眾、sensible、雷諾、奧迪、streetscooter、奔馳、起亞、三菱、尼桑。德國本土品牌佔6個,亞洲品牌3個,德國新能源汽車的國際化程度比中國市場更高。 從11月份起,這一模板化起訴方式開始生效。消協和ADAC已經宣布將於11月1日在不倫瑞克高等地區法院提交起訴模板,用於起訴大眾用尾氣作弊軟件「有意地不道德地傷害了用戶」,大眾需要賠償受害者的損失。起訴免費向所有購買了配備EA 189柴油發動機而被召回的大眾、奧迪、斯柯達或Seat車主開放。 新一代可能搭載4.0TFSI或更大馬力的4.2FSI發動機。競爭車型為寶馬M3四門版和賓士C sixty three AMG。 [https://forcegmbh24.cn/car-parts-supplies/ 服务原装BMW零件] 、外資投資項目,其進口上述規格的風力發電機組在2008年11月1日前繼續按照《國務院關於調整進口設備稅收政策的通知》(國發199737號)的有關規定執行;在2008年11月1日(含11月1日)以後對上述項目進口單機額定功率不大於2.5兆瓦的風力發電機組(稅則號列:85023100),一律停止執行進口免稅政策。<br /><br />海德漢公司產品主要用於精密機牀和電子元件的生產和加工設備。海德漢公司的產品被廣泛應用於機牀、自動化機器,尤其是半導體和電子製造業等領域。海德漢公司的產品是機牀和大型設備高效和有效工作的保證,已累計交付超過500萬套直線光柵尺,1100萬套旋轉編碼器和角度編碼器,460,000台數顯裝置和近235,000套TNC數控系統。 從1982年開始,哈恩擔任大眾汽車集團董事長接近11年,在此期間,他帶領大眾實現了甲殼蟲後繼產品(帕薩特、高爾夫、波羅)的成功和奧迪品牌的復興。但他最主要的業績是通過在中國、西班牙等國家和地區設置生產基地,讓大眾汽車集團實現國際化,躋身世界頂級企業行列。<br /> [https://forcegmbh24.cn/car-parts-supplies/buying-original-bmw-spare-parts/ 现代配件正品] ,奧迪家族史上又喜添舊丁”:奧迪 kind p型車重新面世。這款車首次于1931年投產。二十世紀二十年代,奧迪是大功率豪華轎車的代表。為了擺脫世界 經濟危機 ,公司也開始嘗試生產小型轎車,奧迪 sort p型車由此誕生。該款轎車結合了dkw 4=8發動機(意為'具有八缸效力的四缸機')與 標致 peugeot30馬力4缸發動機。但是,經濟蕭條阻止了這款轎車取得市場成功。該款奧迪type p型車共生產了327輛。後來在德國路德維希堡(ludwigsburg)人們發現了這款久被遺忘的汽車。
Infosurv Research's Insights Reports always Get accolades from our clients. We like to think that they are different -- and much better -- by the ordinary marketing and advertising research report. Why? Since we concentrate on directly answering the project objectives and helping our customers make better business decisions.<br /><br />There aren't any hard and fast rules for writing a great marketing research report; indeed, each report is customized to the job accessible. <br /><br />First of all, you would like to get your reports . In the end, if no one reads themyou might as well not write them, and you probably should not invest money in doing research! So keep your reader in mind as you develop the report and think creatively about how to present the data in a way which makes it easy for the reader to consume. Formattext, images, video -- all of these are great tools to deliver information. But use them !<br /><br />Listed below are just two of our favorite tips for improved promotion research reports:<br /><br />Answer the Objectives. The goals are the raison d'etre of your undertaking. The goals justify the cost of conducting the research. Make the objectives the starting point of your report. If all you do in your report is response the objectives, you don't need to do anything else.<br />Don't be a slave to your own format! You might have always composed text reports, but your research subject could be better expressed in PowerPoint, Excel or perhaps in a movie format. Be creative and use the arrangement that best communicates the information. Additionally, there are lots of resources that inform you how to write a research report, but now, those sources are outdated. Use whatever format works for your viewers, always keeping in mind that you have to (1) answer the goals and (2) make it simple for the reader.<br /><br />Include an executive summary, scorecard or dashboard. No matter how wonderful your report, there will always be those supervisors who simply don't have the time to browse the entire report. If [http://marketresearchbase.com industry forecast] is possible to boil the information down to the most important replies, the ones that address the goals (hmmm, this might be important) and present it on a one-or-two page picture dashboard or scorecard, take action. At a minimum, write an executive summary which includes just the information managers will need to create the company decision in the center of the project. (See #6 below for more information on Executive Summaries.)<br /><br />Tell a fascinating story. Nobody likes to see about information points. Telling a story creates your research results accessible and leads the reader to execution. Stories are also more memorable, so your findings will become guiding principles for future decisions.<br />Be brief. Research has shown that we people are reading less and less. Too much text on a page could be intimidating and discourage readership.<br />Be organized. From the executive summary, present the study results that answer the objectives, beginning with the most important objective In the comprehensive findings section, maintain the same order of information. From the executive summary, you can direct the reader into the appropriate part of the detailed findings by providing a page reference, which makes it effortless for them to find the specific information which may interest them.<br />Put at least methodological information in the beginning. Methodological details are dull for non-researchers. Contain only the details that the reader needs to know to comprehend the context of the information you are presenting. Who will be the respondents: prospects, customers, the general public? How large is your sample size? How can you gather the information? When was the study conducted? That's the kind of information that will help your reader understand how to translate the results. (See #10 for more details about the content of this Appendix.)<br /><br />Use pictures instead of words and information when possible. Is a picture really worth 1,000 words? It depends upon the words, clearly, but the simple fact remains that right pictures can communicate complex concepts efficiently. Especially for those individuals who are reluctant to see, imagery can be a lovely <br />Make it easy to read your graphs. Graphs are often the heart of marketing research reports, so take care to make certain they don't confuse your reader.<br />Use the identical scale on each one of your graphs for both axes. If a single axis ends at 30% and the next ends at 90 percent, then the reader may not notice the difference and might misinterpret the data (especially if they're not carefully studying the accounts !)<br />Maintain the very same colours on graphs throughout. If high Top Box score is blue on one graph and green on another, you might confuse your viewers. When the 2014 data are green on one slide and the 2015 data are green on the next slide, it may be misinterpreted. Keep colors consistent to prevent the casual Where possible, use the exact same color palate as the manufacturers depicted in your document.<br />Be sure to include the exact question wording with each graph or table. Often while reading research reports (or seeing research demonstrations ) the audience will wonder how the query was enlisted to help them understand the information that they are getting. Do not make them search through the questionnaire. Just put the exact question in the bottom of the graph or table.<br />Make sure to include the base size with each table or graph. Without understanding that programming logic can affect the base size, readers presume that each and every respondent answers all questions, again possibly leading to miscommunication. Be sure to include the base sizes in the report.<br />Use the Appendix for&quot;less important&quot; information. Any information that doesn't directly deal with project aims, such as methodological detail, details about your investigation and other miscellaneous information, should not go into the main report. Contain it at the end of the report within an Appendix.<br /> While you, as a writer, might be more comfortable with more detail, so it's your job to generate information accessible to your clients. Using these suggestions will go a long way to making your research actionable -- as well as entertaining and educational.

Revision as of 11:12, 12 October 2019

Infosurv Research's Insights Reports always Get accolades from our clients. We like to think that they are different -- and much better -- by the ordinary marketing and advertising research report. Why? Since we concentrate on directly answering the project objectives and helping our customers make better business decisions.

There aren't any hard and fast rules for writing a great marketing research report; indeed, each report is customized to the job accessible.

First of all, you would like to get your reports . In the end, if no one reads themyou might as well not write them, and you probably should not invest money in doing research! So keep your reader in mind as you develop the report and think creatively about how to present the data in a way which makes it easy for the reader to consume. Formattext, images, video -- all of these are great tools to deliver information. But use them !

Listed below are just two of our favorite tips for improved promotion research reports:

Answer the Objectives. The goals are the raison d'etre of your undertaking. The goals justify the cost of conducting the research. Make the objectives the starting point of your report. If all you do in your report is response the objectives, you don't need to do anything else.
Don't be a slave to your own format! You might have always composed text reports, but your research subject could be better expressed in PowerPoint, Excel or perhaps in a movie format. Be creative and use the arrangement that best communicates the information. Additionally, there are lots of resources that inform you how to write a research report, but now, those sources are outdated. Use whatever format works for your viewers, always keeping in mind that you have to (1) answer the goals and (2) make it simple for the reader.

Include an executive summary, scorecard or dashboard. No matter how wonderful your report, there will always be those supervisors who simply don't have the time to browse the entire report. If industry forecast is possible to boil the information down to the most important replies, the ones that address the goals (hmmm, this might be important) and present it on a one-or-two page picture dashboard or scorecard, take action. At a minimum, write an executive summary which includes just the information managers will need to create the company decision in the center of the project. (See #6 below for more information on Executive Summaries.)

Tell a fascinating story. Nobody likes to see about information points. Telling a story creates your research results accessible and leads the reader to execution. Stories are also more memorable, so your findings will become guiding principles for future decisions.
Be brief. Research has shown that we people are reading less and less. Too much text on a page could be intimidating and discourage readership.
Be organized. From the executive summary, present the study results that answer the objectives, beginning with the most important objective In the comprehensive findings section, maintain the same order of information. From the executive summary, you can direct the reader into the appropriate part of the detailed findings by providing a page reference, which makes it effortless for them to find the specific information which may interest them.
Put at least methodological information in the beginning. Methodological details are dull for non-researchers. Contain only the details that the reader needs to know to comprehend the context of the information you are presenting. Who will be the respondents: prospects, customers, the general public? How large is your sample size? How can you gather the information? When was the study conducted? That's the kind of information that will help your reader understand how to translate the results. (See #10 for more details about the content of this Appendix.)

Use pictures instead of words and information when possible. Is a picture really worth 1,000 words? It depends upon the words, clearly, but the simple fact remains that right pictures can communicate complex concepts efficiently. Especially for those individuals who are reluctant to see, imagery can be a lovely
Make it easy to read your graphs. Graphs are often the heart of marketing research reports, so take care to make certain they don't confuse your reader.
Use the identical scale on each one of your graphs for both axes. If a single axis ends at 30% and the next ends at 90 percent, then the reader may not notice the difference and might misinterpret the data (especially if they're not carefully studying the accounts !)
Maintain the very same colours on graphs throughout. If high Top Box score is blue on one graph and green on another, you might confuse your viewers. When the 2014 data are green on one slide and the 2015 data are green on the next slide, it may be misinterpreted. Keep colors consistent to prevent the casual Where possible, use the exact same color palate as the manufacturers depicted in your document.
Be sure to include the exact question wording with each graph or table. Often while reading research reports (or seeing research demonstrations ) the audience will wonder how the query was enlisted to help them understand the information that they are getting. Do not make them search through the questionnaire. Just put the exact question in the bottom of the graph or table.
Make sure to include the base size with each table or graph. Without understanding that programming logic can affect the base size, readers presume that each and every respondent answers all questions, again possibly leading to miscommunication. Be sure to include the base sizes in the report.
Use the Appendix for"less important" information. Any information that doesn't directly deal with project aims, such as methodological detail, details about your investigation and other miscellaneous information, should not go into the main report. Contain it at the end of the report within an Appendix.
While you, as a writer, might be more comfortable with more detail, so it's your job to generate information accessible to your clients. Using these suggestions will go a long way to making your research actionable -- as well as entertaining and educational.