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女性型禿頭是由頭皮區域DHT或二氫睾丸激素的異常過量產生引起的。在男性和女性中,雄激素性脫髮或女性型脫髮是女性脫髮的最常見類型。在女性中,這種情況也稱為女性型脫髮,通常與PCOS風險增加有關。<br /><br />可能無法獨自逆轉稀疏的頭髮。但是,對於患有這種疾病的男性和女性都有幾種治療方法。有些產品包含可以口服的米諾地爾和非那雄胺,可以局部使用的局部溶液,甚至可以用於醫療程序,例如激光脫毛。在本文中,您將找到一種快速簡便的方法來確定哪種方法適合您,這也將幫助您在一到兩個月內擁有完整的頭髮。<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />米諾地爾是治療女性型脫髮的最流行選擇。它包含多種刺激卵泡細胞產生更多雄激素的化學物質。它還可用於治療其他類型的頭髮問題。<br /><br /><br /><br />但是,不建議米諾地爾用於孕婦或服用某些藥物(包括避孕藥)的人。它只能與天然方法配合使用,例如草藥補品,草藥提取物和其他刺激頭皮毛囊產生更多雄激素的天然產品,才能很好地工作。定期使用溶液或產品且懷孕的婦女應避免使用它。<br /><br />非那雄胺是男性脫髮的另一種有效解決方案。它通過阻斷導致DHT將睾丸激素轉化為DHT的酶而起作用。此解決方案僅對男性有效,但可以幫助防止某些人進一步頭髮稀疏。<br /><br /><br /><br />男性型脫髮的毛髮移植是去除頭側和頭頂毛囊的過程,以使後側和側面的毛囊不受影響。此過程非常昂貴,對於無法使用其他治療方法的患者,應僅將其視為萬不得已的選擇。<br /><br />也可以使用專業皮膚科醫生可以使用的化學療法來處理禿髮。將治療劑局部塗抹在頭皮上,然後用水沖洗。通常,至少需要四個星期才能看到任何明顯的變化。<br /><br />女性脫髮治療不僅應集中於脫毛。 [http://sc.hkeaa.edu.hk/TuniS/perfectmen.hk/blog/%E7%94%B7%E5%A3%AB%E8%84%AB%E9%AB%AE-%E7%94%B7%E6%80%A7%E5%9E%8B%E8%84%AB%E9%AB%AE-%E9%9B%84%E7%A6%BF-%E8%84%AB%E9%AB%AE%E8%A7%A3%E6%B1%BA%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95 脫髮先兆] 。應避免使用會增加頭髮體積或使頭髮增稠的發製品和麵霜,因為它們會引起副作用。<br /><br />激光治療是另一種流行的脫髮治療。它們還用於治療女性型禿髮。治療包括使用光束刺激頭皮中的卵泡。<br /><br />激光脫毛的副作用可能很嚴重,包括發紅,發癢和灼傷。但是,如果您接受這種治療,最好去找一位合格的醫生,因為激光治療並不適合每個人。治療也可能會非常痛苦,通常需要數次療程。<br /><br />脫髮治療的另一種類型是激光治療。在治療過早脫髮的男女中,這已成為越來越受歡迎的治療方法。但是,激光脫毛不適用於所有人。因為有很多因素影響脫髮。<br /><br />有些人在基因上可能容易脫髮,而有些人則遺傳了脫髮問題。您必須先諮詢您的醫生,以找出造成頭髮稀疏的確切原因,以及是否是由於醫療狀況或心理問題造成的。造成壓力的因素有很多,包括壓力,荷爾蒙失調,遺傳,健康問題和營養不良。<br /><br /><br /><br />
What is HLS Streaming? When Should [https://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/bye?https://lavioblog.in/ ott platform] Use It?<br />Table of Contents<br />What is HLS?<br />How HLS Works?<br />When Should We Use HLS?<br /><br />A few years earlier, uploading videos and streaming them online used to be a tedious job and rarely even today due to the lack of high-speed data coverage. In such a scenario, consumers have gone crazy over live streaming and on-demand video content and moreover many platforms have turned to offer live video feed services on multiple devices. <br />As per the reports, about 80% of consumers would rather prefer to watch live video than reading a blog to get the same message. Considering this craze among people especially for this format, the delivery of video content has undergone several developments to give viewers the best live streaming experience. One such development is the emergence of HTTP live streaming or well-known as HLS. <br />What is HLS?<br />HLS-HTTP Live Streaming is an adaptive bitrate streaming communication protocol that is used to deliver audio and video content over the internet. HLS was initially developed by Apple to communicate with its devices such as AppleTV, Macs, and iOS devices. <br />However, it works on all adaptive streaming technologies giving users a multi-channel live video streaming experience. Since it’s an HTTP-based technology, it requires no special configuration and can be served from a standard web server, thus, all the switching logic resides on the player’s end. <br />Technically speaking, HLS-HTTP Live Streaming is a truly adaptive bitrate technology. When a video is encoded to HLS, multiple files are created for various bandwidths and with different resolutions. The streams are later mapped to the client in real-time using an index file based on the screen size &amp; available bandwidth. Adaptive bitrate video delivery gives a superior experience as it delivers a static video file at a single bitrate and the video stream is adjusted to the client’s bandwidth capacity. <br /><br />How HLS Works?<br />The most significant feature of the HTTP Live Streaming protocol is its ability to adapt the bitrate of the video to the actual speed of the network connection. This optimizes the quality of the viewing experience. <br />HLS videos are encoded in distinct renditions at distinct resolutions and bitrates, which is usually referred to as the bitrate ladder. When a connection gets slower, the HLS protocol automatically adjusts the suitable bitrate to the available bandwidth. HLS avoids re-buffering and stalling effects. <br />Server---An HLS video stream originates from a server where the media file is stored as well as the stream is created. As HLS is a HTTP-based technology, any ordinary web server can serve the stream.<br />Two key processes take place on the server:<br />Encoding---In this process the video data is reformatted as per the video-compression standards of either H.264 or H.265 encoding so that any device can recognize and interpret the data. During encoding, multiple video copies are encoded with variable bit-rates, in simpler words video copies are created with varying quality levels.<br />Segmenting---the video is formatted into multiple smaller segments that have a few seconds of length. The length of the segments can vary between 6-10 seconds. HLS creates an index file where it manages the order and timing of playing individual segments. HLS also creates several duplicate sets of video segments at various quality levels, such as 480p, 720p, 1080p, and so on. <br />Distribution---Once the video gets encoded and segmented, it will be ready to get streamed to the viewers devices over the internet when client devices request the stream. Generally, a CDN-Content Delivery Network will help distribute the stream to geographically diverse areas. It also caches the stream data and enables faster delivery to the client devices.<br />Client Devices---The client devices receive the stream and play the video. The client device uses the index file as the reference and assembles the video segments in order. As per the index file sequence the video segments are played. It switches from lower to high quality picture and vice versa as needed. <br />When Should We Use HLS?<br />There are some cases where videos are not that heavy. For instance, you could have a sequence of images encoded as a 1-2 seconds video, with a size of less than 1 MB. HLS is undoubtedly the best protocol to use with HTML5 video players. The main reason is that HLS content tags are programmable into a website’s HTML code. Additionally, its ease of implementation and customizability for video publishers and remaining free of charge for users are what set HTTP Live Streaming protocol apart from its alternatives.<br />Currently, HLS is the most widely used protocol for streaming, it is a safe bet for the majority of broadcasts. Anyone streaming content to connected devices must consider it especially when broadcasting sports, live events and asynchronous videos, where the quality is key. Low latency is worth considering as a reason to opt for HLS. When streaming to mobile devices, HLS is the ideal choice. HLS is also effective when we want to deliver high resolution videos with a size over 3MB.<br /><br />Bottom Line <br />While a video streaming platform reliant on HLS could be implemented and deployed in-house with the help of open source tools, it may be probably a good idea to use video publishing services, if you are not an expert in the technology. They can bring advanced features and take care of all technical aspects and let you focus on customization needs.

Revision as of 12:04, 1 March 2021

What is HLS Streaming? When Should ott platform Use It?
Table of Contents
What is HLS?
How HLS Works?
When Should We Use HLS?

A few years earlier, uploading videos and streaming them online used to be a tedious job and rarely even today due to the lack of high-speed data coverage. In such a scenario, consumers have gone crazy over live streaming and on-demand video content and moreover many platforms have turned to offer live video feed services on multiple devices.
As per the reports, about 80% of consumers would rather prefer to watch live video than reading a blog to get the same message. Considering this craze among people especially for this format, the delivery of video content has undergone several developments to give viewers the best live streaming experience. One such development is the emergence of HTTP live streaming or well-known as HLS.
What is HLS?
HLS-HTTP Live Streaming is an adaptive bitrate streaming communication protocol that is used to deliver audio and video content over the internet. HLS was initially developed by Apple to communicate with its devices such as AppleTV, Macs, and iOS devices.
However, it works on all adaptive streaming technologies giving users a multi-channel live video streaming experience. Since it’s an HTTP-based technology, it requires no special configuration and can be served from a standard web server, thus, all the switching logic resides on the player’s end.
Technically speaking, HLS-HTTP Live Streaming is a truly adaptive bitrate technology. When a video is encoded to HLS, multiple files are created for various bandwidths and with different resolutions. The streams are later mapped to the client in real-time using an index file based on the screen size & available bandwidth. Adaptive bitrate video delivery gives a superior experience as it delivers a static video file at a single bitrate and the video stream is adjusted to the client’s bandwidth capacity.

How HLS Works?
The most significant feature of the HTTP Live Streaming protocol is its ability to adapt the bitrate of the video to the actual speed of the network connection. This optimizes the quality of the viewing experience.
HLS videos are encoded in distinct renditions at distinct resolutions and bitrates, which is usually referred to as the bitrate ladder. When a connection gets slower, the HLS protocol automatically adjusts the suitable bitrate to the available bandwidth. HLS avoids re-buffering and stalling effects.
Server---An HLS video stream originates from a server where the media file is stored as well as the stream is created. As HLS is a HTTP-based technology, any ordinary web server can serve the stream.
Two key processes take place on the server:
Encoding---In this process the video data is reformatted as per the video-compression standards of either H.264 or H.265 encoding so that any device can recognize and interpret the data. During encoding, multiple video copies are encoded with variable bit-rates, in simpler words video copies are created with varying quality levels.
Segmenting---the video is formatted into multiple smaller segments that have a few seconds of length. The length of the segments can vary between 6-10 seconds. HLS creates an index file where it manages the order and timing of playing individual segments. HLS also creates several duplicate sets of video segments at various quality levels, such as 480p, 720p, 1080p, and so on.
Distribution---Once the video gets encoded and segmented, it will be ready to get streamed to the viewers devices over the internet when client devices request the stream. Generally, a CDN-Content Delivery Network will help distribute the stream to geographically diverse areas. It also caches the stream data and enables faster delivery to the client devices.
Client Devices---The client devices receive the stream and play the video. The client device uses the index file as the reference and assembles the video segments in order. As per the index file sequence the video segments are played. It switches from lower to high quality picture and vice versa as needed.
When Should We Use HLS?
There are some cases where videos are not that heavy. For instance, you could have a sequence of images encoded as a 1-2 seconds video, with a size of less than 1 MB. HLS is undoubtedly the best protocol to use with HTML5 video players. The main reason is that HLS content tags are programmable into a website’s HTML code. Additionally, its ease of implementation and customizability for video publishers and remaining free of charge for users are what set HTTP Live Streaming protocol apart from its alternatives.
Currently, HLS is the most widely used protocol for streaming, it is a safe bet for the majority of broadcasts. Anyone streaming content to connected devices must consider it especially when broadcasting sports, live events and asynchronous videos, where the quality is key. Low latency is worth considering as a reason to opt for HLS. When streaming to mobile devices, HLS is the ideal choice. HLS is also effective when we want to deliver high resolution videos with a size over 3MB.

Bottom Line
While a video streaming platform reliant on HLS could be implemented and deployed in-house with the help of open source tools, it may be probably a good idea to use video publishing services, if you are not an expert in the technology. They can bring advanced features and take care of all technical aspects and let you focus on customization needs.