Ask HN PayperMinute Game Servers

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We'll charge the same as the cloud provider charges us, plus a small percentage to cover the overhead of storing game server config, running the admin console, etc.From initial research we estimate charging a price of $0.05 per hour for a 20-player Minecraft or standard KF2 server. This is much higher than the pay per month equivalent. However, we only expect users to use the service for short periods like weekends or nights. Do you prefer it to other pay-permonth providers? What are your criticisms of the setup

dtagames Jan 14, 2021 [-]

Your hosting provider will likely charge you for instances that are still running. This is how they would preserve your content, and setup between. This would make it impossible to charge customers for only a few hours at once. Additionally, if you take the funds, you will be the one providing support. There will always be support problems.

koellewe, Jan 15, 2021

You are right. Gaming Crypto It is probably best to only store the actual game configuration (a bunch of text files) after the session is over. Next, when you reboot, start over again and copy in the configuration only.